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Sav's Sunday Post

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  • "While it may seem as if we can survive without God in this life, the same is not true of the next." ― Frate Giacomo

    The Church of St. Nicholas in Troekurovo, Russia (Photo by Dmitrij Andreev)


    • "Oh woman, great is thy faith" was the remark made by Christ to a Canaanite woman, one of only two people He commended for having great faith. Great faith is most certainly possible, because we believe in a truly great God! ― Frate Luca Santamaria

      Zenkov Cathedral in Almaty, Kazakhstan,_Almaty


      • "It is human nature to put off, avoid and ignore those things we find awkward, difficult or do not understand. We must beware though, not to permit such attitudes to affect our relationship with God." ― Frate Sebastiano Monticelli

        Chiesetta di San Silvestro, Passo della Gobbera in Imer, Trentino

        Chiesetta di San Silvestro


        • "The year in which you read these words, is counted from the birth of Christ, the man who changed the world; He can change your world too, if you let Him in." ― Frate Giacomo

          St. Coloman's Church in Bavaria


          • "A child sitting close to a loud television may not hear their parent's call. Likewise, we can permit the noise of this world to drown out the voice of our heavenly Father, who daily calls us to have fellowship with Him." ― Frate Luca Santamaria

            Eidsbygda Church in Rauma, Norway



            • "The cross represents the highest price ever paid for anything; it points to an act of unequalled sacrifice never again to be repeated. This price was paid for you, that should your heart ever be agreeable towards God, and should you choose to accept the gift purchased through this cross, you may receive it. I encourage you to discover this gift for yourself, and the first chapter of the Gospel of John is a good place to begin." ― Frate Sebastiano Monticelli


              • "That every man should seek what is best for himself and his kin, is understandable, and if that is so, then every man would do well to seek God above all." ― Frate Giacomo Ambrosini

                The Dormition Cathedral in Smolensk, Russia



                • "For those with faith, connecting with God is just a prayer away, but if you struggle with faith, you may ask God for the gift of faith; then exercise this gift by reading the Bible using the faith you have received." ― Frate Luca Santamaria

                  St. Martin's Church, in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria (Photo by Monika Müthing)



                  • "This Christmas, know that you are not only dearly loved, but also truly cherished by God, whose arms are open wide and ready to receive all who come to Him." ― Frate Sebastiano Monticelli

                    Chiesa in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Foto di Margherita Del Piero)



                    • "A new year awaits, doubtless filled with joys and sorrows, with triumphs and trials, for such is the nature of this life. But when you embrace Christ, your joys will endure and your sorrows be lightened, your triumphs viewed with humility and your trials endured by His grace." ― Frate Giacomo Ambrosini

                      Salzburg Cathedral in Austria



                      • "The wise will understand that this life, from beginning to end, is a war, and that some of the battles we face can never be won outside of a relationship with God." ― Frate Luca Santamaria

                        Austrian mountain chapel


                        • "Because love is not something to be forced, God may seem aloof. But He waits each day to see if we will think upon Him or perhaps even search for Him. His promise, if we do, is that He will allow Himself to be found; and what joy awaits the soul that finds God."
                          ― Frate Sebastiano Monticelli

                          Holy Trinity and St. Jonah's Monastery in Kiev



                          • "This life, is to a large extent, a test. And though it may be difficult for some to believe, if we pass this test, the rewards will far outweigh even the worst of our sufferings." ― Frate Giacomo Ambrosini

                            La Chiesetta di San Giovanni a Ranui, Alto Adige

                            La Chiesetta di San Giovanni


                            • "If you determine to trust Him, then God will most assuredly sustain you when the trials of life come." ― Frate Luca Santamaria

                              Chiesa di Santa Maddalena, Versciaco di Sopra, Bolzano, Italia



                              • 'That great father of the church, St. Augustine, once wrote "Our hearts are restless, until they find their rest in you O' Lord" and which I have found to be completely true.' ― Frate Sebastiano Monticelli

                                Chiesa di St. Primož and Felicijan in Jamnik, Slovenia



                                • 'The beauty which exists in this world, is not by coincidence but by design. Your life is the same, and has been given to you that you may discover God, and from that place of relationship with Him, bring His love into the lives of others.' ― Frate Giacomo Ambrosini

                                  Chiesa di Colle Santa Lucia in Veneto

                                  Chiesa di Colle Santa Lucia


                                  • "We may ignore, but never evade the presence of God. This world is His creation and He is everywhere present." ― CS Lewis

                                    Holy Trinity Church, Gergeti, Caucasus Mountains, Georgia



                                    • "People generally avoid climbing the mountain if what they need can be found in the valley. But there are times when the valley fails to deliver and there is no choice but to go higher. Today, God calls you to the higher ground, that place where He desires you to encounter Him." ― Frate Luca Santamaria

                                      La Chiesetta di San Romerio in Val Poschiavo, Switzerland



                                      • "Whatever you may fear about being in a relationship with God, cannot compare with the consequences of being distant from Him."
                                        ― Frate Sebastiano Monticelli

                                        The Dormition Cathedral in Smolensk, Russia



                                        • "In a reflection of His own nature, God endowed us with the capacity to create beauty; and the greatest beauty we have the ability to create, is the manner in which we love one another." ― Frate Giacomo Ambrosini

                                          Ullensvang Church in Vestland County, Norway



                                          • "For the believer, in times of chaos, the cross of Christ is a sea of calm." ― Frate Luca Santamaria

                                            La croce degli Schützen tirolesi Nago-torbole, Trentino



                                            • "The splendour of creation, in all it's magnificent diversity, is one of God's signs to mankind. He is letting us know we are here by design and not by default." ― Frate Sebastiano Monticelli

                                              Reyniskirkja Church, Vik, Iceland (Photo by Kevin McNeal)



                                              • "The changes coming upon this world, will favour those who are adequately prepared, and if you want to be prepared, then it is first necessary to make peace with God." ― Frate Giacomo Ambrosini

                                                Cappella degli Alpini in Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Belluno (Photo by Tomas van der Weijden)



                                                • "The opportunity of being reconciled with God and offered the hope of eternal life is a privilege which is unique to this life. I urge you with all my heart, not to misspend it." ― Frate Luca Santamaria

                                                  The Church of the Prophet Elijah in Lavrio, Attica, Greece (Photo by Nikos Pantazis)


                                                  • 'In spite of our sins, God welcomes us with open arms when we turn to Him, and which is the essence of Christ's teaching in His parable of the prodigal son.' ― Frate Sebastiano Monticelli

                                                    Agios Stylianos in Firá, Santorini (Photo by Ellen Moreira)



                                                    • 'Concerning Jesus, John the Baptist said, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it", and this remains true, no matter how great the darkness.' ― Frate Giacomo Ambrosini

                                                      Mountain Chapel


                                                      • "Christ declared that the truth will set us free, and there is little doubt that this is so, but the path which leads to the truth can be difficult, for we must be willing to accept that some of our most fundamental perceptions, are in need of correction."
                                                        ― Frate Luca Santamaria

                                                        Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Sameiro, Braga, Portugal



                                                        • "God will be a refuge and defence to all who make the journey of discovery to find Him and to follow Him."
                                                          ― Frate Sebastiano Monticelli

                                                          Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Cholula, Mexico (Photo by Peter K.)

                                                          Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios


                                                          • "The Holy Spirit is one of the most precious gifts which God can give, and also one of the most misunderstood."
                                                            ― Frate Giacomo Ambrosini

                                                            Sunset over the San Juan Mountains in Colorado by Jack Brauer


                                                            • "The hope which is given by God, is unlike anything this world offers, and ultimately leads to eternal life." ― Frate Luca Santamaria

                                                              La Chiesa di San Gennaro in Praiano, Italia


