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Heli-Expo 2014

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    started a topic Heli-Expo 2014

    Heli-Expo 2014

    Check-out our updates from Heli-Expo 2014 below:

  • Aviafora Newsdesk
    Cabri introduced in the US during Heli-Expo.

    Being touted as the world's most advanced training helicopter:

    News on Sikorsky's S-97 Raider:

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  • HeliHub News
    Heli-Expo Closing News


    The 78 bookings announced by Airbus Helicopters at this week’s Heli-Expo industry convention underscore the competitiveness of the company’s product line. Acquisitions covered rotorcraft ranging from the workhorse EC225 and the AS350 B2 and B3e, to the next-generation EC175, along with the new EC145 T2 and the evolved EC225e and AS332 C1e versions.

    The new EC175 logged 14 orders with announcements at Heli-Expo: six to Noordzee Helicopters Vlaanderen (NHV), a launch customer adding to its previous order for 10; six to Lease Corporation International (LCI), a new Airbus Helicopters customer; and two to U.S. customer CHI Aviation.

    The EC145 T2 expanded its order book by a 25-rotorcraft booking from Waypoint Leasing, while 27 orders were announced for the EC225 and the new EC225e – 12 going to Waypoint Leasing and 15 to Lease Corporation International.

    The AS332 C1e, exhibited for the first time at Heli-Expo, received a firm order for two additional helicopters from launch customer Starlite Aviation.

    Completing the order book were signings for seven AS350 B3e aircraft and three AS350 B2s from a total of five customers in the United States.

    A behind the scenes look at the AS332 C1e on the closing day of Heli-Expo:

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  • Zishelix
    Thank you Aviafora/HeliHub for delivering all the Heli-Expo news right here on the forum! Your effort is much appreciated.

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  • HeliHub News
    X-Copter Unveiled at Heli-Expo

    Called "X-Copter", it is an eighth generation helicopter flight simulator that has been in development since 2006 and the core component of the nationally recognized “Flight Cost Reduction Training” program at Guidance Aviation. Engineered for the primary flight training market, the X-Copter simulates the Robinson R22 and R44 models.

    X-Copter's full-scale cockpit includes two high resolution touch screen monitors displaying instrumentation, realistic controls with tactile vibration cues, and an outside view delivered by three 60" high definition screens providing incredibly crisp visuals.

    The touch screen technology in the cockpit delivers advanced avionics simulations for Glass Cockpit applications with accurate representations of Garmin G500H, Garmin GNS 530/430 WAAS, and Aspen EFD1000H using SimAVIO2 from FTS. X-Copter is fully integrated to enable seamless integration with ForeFlight Mobile providing geo-referencing data via Wifi.

    “Guidance Aviation uses the X-Copter in its collegiate training programs to improve student pilot proficiency and accelerate the training progress. Our goal is to produce the best pilot possible using only the appropriate amount of aircraft flight time to achieve this objective. In doing so, the X-Copter saves the student time and money which is the core principle of our “Flight Cost Reduction Training Program” at Guidance Aviation. We have acquired fourteen advanced versions of the "X-Copter" helicopter flight simulators with an additional seven units on order for our training operations in Prescott, Arizona and Baton Rouge, Louisiana,” states Dave Roy, Director of Flight Operations.

    Brandon Frett, Director of Simulation Training at X-Copter states, “After working extensively with the flight instructors and staff at Guidance Aviation, it became apparent that our work would benefit other pilot schools. X-Copter's mission is to make better, safer pilots while simultaneously reducing flight cost for students.”

    "I've attempted to hover in several other helicopter simulators, but found it was unrealistic due to lack of detail and insufficient visual cues. The X-Copter provides a level of detail I have never experienced before in a helicopter flight sim. It's the most realistic helicopter flight sim I've ever flown. In fact, this aircraft can teach the fundamentals of autorotation," states John O'Neil, Designated Pilot Examiner - R22, R44, Schweizer, and Rotorway Test Pilot.

    According to Chris Horton, CFI-I, Recipient of the 2014 HAI AgustaWestland Safety Excellence Award, “This device has been instrumental in Guidance Aviation's SMS program by introducing emergency procedures, including autorotations in a laboratory environment.”

    With R22 and R44 models already in production, X-Copter is developing an R66 model and has plans to create the popular Schweizer, Bell, and Eurocopter models.

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    Bell delivers two 412EPs to Petroleum Air Services

    Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company (NYSE: TXT), announced today the delivery of two Bell 412EP helicopters to Egypt’s Petroleum Air Services (PAS), both configured and fully equipped to meet oil and gas producers requirements (OGP) recommended by the leading international oil companies working in Egypt.

    Based in Cairo, PAS specializes in offering oil industry support services to some of the world’s largest petroleum companies, as well as commercial passenger services. Committed to ensuring the highest standard of quality and safety along with the latest advanced technology in the aviation business, PAS reached out to Bell Helicopter when ready to increase its fleet.

    “We value the customer support and services we’ve received from Bell Helicopter over these 32 years and wanted to make sure we continued to invest in Bell products,” said Petroleum Air Services Chairman and Managing Director Gen. Yehia Hussein. “We look forward to continuing this relationship in the years to come.”

    PAS and Bell Helicopter have enjoyed a long relationship since 1982, when PAS received its first two Bell 206s. Since then, the company has added 31 Bell helicopters, including the eight Bell 206s, 10 Bell 212s and 15 Bell 412s.

    “The Bell 412EP remains a daily workhorse for Petroleum Air Services and operators around the world,” said Steve Suttles, Bell Helicopter’s vice president for Middle East and Africa. “Excellent hot and high performance and multi-mission flexibility, combined with Bell’s recognition by the industry as the leader in customer service, make the 412EP an easy choice for serious operators.”

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  • HeliHub News
    Heli-Expo 2014: Officially Over

    But we shall be rounding-up our coverage by bringing you news from Day 3 as well as additional information from the show.

    This has been the first cooperation between and Aviafora and we hope that Aviafora's readers have found this a useful resource.

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  • HeliHub News
    Airbus Helicopters’ new AS332C1e is ready for duty

    Airbus Helicopters today unveiled the latest member of its Super Puma helicopter family: the multi-mission AS332 C1e utility workhorse version, which comes with a standardized equipment definition for more rapid production times and cost-effective acquisition prices.

    The unveiling occurred at the 2014 Heli-Expo industry show in Anaheim, California, where the first production AS332 C1e is being displayed in the livery of launch customer Starlite Aviation Group. This helicopter will be received by Starlite Aviation next month, and follows Airbus Helicopters’ delivery of the no. 2 AS332 C1e last week to the operator, which will use it under Irish registry on a utility and medevac contract for EULEX – the European Union Rule of Law Mission deployed in Kosovo.

    According to Starlite Aviation CEO Slade Thomas, “Starlite Aviation Group is extremely proud to take delivery of the first of the new Super Puma AS332 C1e helicopters. At Starlite we know the demands of commercial medium-heavy utility sector and we are delighted to be taking delivery of new equipment to help us continue with our growth across four continents. Being the launch customer of this new Super Puma is a measure of our faith in Airbus Helicopters.”

    “Having Starlite Aviation as the launch customer is a strong endorsement of the AS332 C1e,” explained Airbus Helicopters President Guillaume Faury. “This rotorcraft responds to the need for a robust, modern medium-to-heavy lift helicopter with exceptional performance – and which can be produced rapidly based on a standardized equipment list.”

    Starlite Aviation placed its initial order for two firm and two options of the helicopters in November 2012, and has since firmed up the two AS332 C1e options for deliveries this December. These acquisitions, which have been financed by Deutsche Bank, are part of Starlite Aviation’s fleet renewal and expansion program, with the rotorcraft joining an extensive helicopter fleet that currently includes 12 Airbus Helicopters SA330 Pumas.

    The AS332 C1e offers versatility across a full range of utility missions, especially in hot-and-high environments, as well as missions requiring a small footprint while delivering a significant lift capability such as the vertical replenishment of ships.

    Included in its standard equipment list is the four-axis autopilot and associated automatic flight control system from Airbus Helicopters’ EC225 Super Puma helicopter, which provides flight envelope protection, unrivalled precision, and stability in even the harshest operating conditions. If equipment or systems are required beyond the baseline definition, additional customization can be provided by Airbus Helicopters and its wholly-owned Vector Aerospace company, or the network of subsidiaries and approved partners.

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  • HeliHub News
    Bell announces 429 VIP order through the VanAllen Group

    Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company (NYSE: TXT), announced today the order of a VIP configured Bell 429 to be delivered to the VanAllen Group, a business aviation consulting service, for delivery for a private customer.

    “The Bell 429 is an incomparable aircraft, featuring a glass cockpit, luxury seating and superior speed and performance,” said Anthony Moreland, Bell Helicopter’s managing director of sales for North America. “We have seen a great amount of interest throughout North America from corporate and VIP operators looking for a highly capable luxury aircraft.”

    The VanAllen Group directly coordinated with Bell Helicopter for the order. The buyer will take advantage of the Bell 429’s exceptional flight performance as well as Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) capability certified for single or dual pilot operations. In addition to a stylishly innovative and adaptable design, the Bell 429 offers maximize situational awareness and reduced pilot workload. It is the first choice aircraft for corporate and VIP travel, delivering a range of 380 miles and cruise speed of 153 knots. To date, Bell Helicopter has received more than 140 Bell 429 orders across the globe.

    “As we evaluated options on behalf of the delivery customer, we wanted to find an aircraft that was not only known for overall performance, but also offered low noise and vibration levels during flight,” said Pete Agur, president of The Van Allen Group. “Bell Helicopter not only offered the best solution, but remained flexible and easy to work with throughout the entire purchasing process.”

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  • HeliHub News
    More about Airbus Helicopters services:

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  • HeliHub News
    Airbus Helicopters highlights innovative service solutions

    The increased scope of Airbus Helicopters’ support and services offer is being spotlighted at this week’s 2014 Heli-Expo exhibition in Anaheim, California, where the company is providing details on support for new aircraft, training and operations, helicopter upgrades, new information services and enhancements to the Keycopter® customer portal.

    “Keeping our helicopters flight-ready with customers and operators is one of Airbus Helicopters’ top priorities, and we are innovating strongly in 2014 in providing reactive support and services in response to their evolving needs,” said Matthieu Louvot, Airbus Helicopters Senior Vice President of Support & Services.

    Airbus Helicopters is deploying five new online services in 2014 and significantly expanding the global coverage of its existing online e-Spares ordering solution so as to cover 80 percent of its global customer base in 2015.

    The first of the new online services – WebMIS, the cloud-based helicopter maintenance information system developed in partnership with global aviation software provider Ramco Systems – will be available on Keycopter® in 2014. WebMIS is now being integrated by the first user: the Blueway Nordic helicopter group for its Dancopter AS and Blueway Offshore Norge AS operations. The WebMIS information system tracks maintenance and logistics operations in real-time online, thereby increasing fleet availability, saving time and money, and enhancing the availability of spares, tools and personnel – all without capital expenditure.

    Airbus Helicopters also is launching its new O.R.I.O.N interactive viewer that allows customers to easily consult all the latest technical documentation online and directly access regularly updated work cards. This key service will be progressively deployed for the entire helicopter range throughout 2014, beginning today with the EC130.

    The third new online offer introduced at Heli-Expo is the company’s business intelligence service, which enables operators to identify areas of possible improvement by using their own data mapped against helicopter fleet-wide data. New Keycopter® offerings also include an e-Customer Request portal and e-Warranty. An additional service coming soon is the electronic Technical Log Book (e-TLB), which enables highly efficient real-time communication between flight operations and maintenance to reduce aircraft-on-ground situations and improve helicopter availability.

    Another new offering on display for the first time at Heli-Expo is a catalogue of 150 upgrade solutions based on Service Bulletins and Supplemental Type Certificates. The standardization of such services (including kits preparation and double certification) allows shorter lead times, higher competitiveness and higher maintenance efficiency. The standardized upgrades are now available via e-Ordering on Keycopter®. Additionally, an easy-to-use automatic quotation and research tool for off-the-shelf kits will go live in the first quarter of 2015. This evolution of the Keycopter® e-Ordering process will enable customers to receive a quotation in a matter of minutes in an interactive manner. Contributing to Airbus Helicopters’ innovative support and services portfolio is its customized Component Support Program in the United States – a “pay as you fly” offer based on simple flat rate per flight hour charges for direct maintenance costs. Airbus Helicopters provides the spares parts required to support operators’ scheduled and unscheduled maintenance events, backed by the company’s resources for around-the-clock AOG support, its global supply chain network support, dedicated technical support network and personalized maintenance forecasting.

    Addressing market expectations for availability commitments is Airbus Helicopters’ Performance-Based Services (PBS) offer. The company proposes four different comprehensive support packages including full logistics, maintenance and airworthiness management targeted at different customer missions and needs. The company signed a PBS contract for Lithuania’s Air Force at the end of 2013 – a six-year daily helicopter availability commitment – which ensures a successful entry into service for the operator’s Search and Rescue fleet.

    To support the new EC175 helicopter’s entry-into-service, dedicated resources will be available to customers, including spare parts inventories in close proximity, six months of onsite technical assistance, and comprehensive training for pilots prior to first delivery. Training will be done on the EC175 Flight Navigation Procedure Training (FNPT) and Level D Full Flight Simulator, both located in Marignane and operational in spring and summer 2014, respectively. As the fleet expands, other EC175 Full Flight Simulators will be deployed in those regions where customers put the aircraft into service, including the southern United States by 2016. Operators of the EC145 T2 can likewise expect a service portfolio that includes training and operations, system and software maintenance, and turnkey solutions, as well as a Full Flight Simulator to be deployed in Donäuworth, Germany in 2015.

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  • Aviafora Newsdesk

    Over 150 Russian-made helicopters are currently involved in UN humanitarian and peacekeeping operations around the world. Speaking at the Russian Hour conference at Heli-Expo 2014 in Anaheim, CA, United States, representatives of Russian Helicopters, a subsidiary of Oboronprom, part of State Corporation Rostec, and commercial aviation firms UTair, PANH Helicopters and Ukrainian Helicopters discussed their positive experience of cooperation in this area.

    "The extensive use of Russian-made helicopters in UN missions is further testimony to the unique capabilities of our technology," Russian Helicopters CEO Alexander Mikheev said. "Russian helicopters are unmatched on humanitarian and peacekeeping missions. I am confident that the new technologies we are currently working to develop will also become effective instruments for UN missions."

    "UTair helicopters have played an active role in air transport support for UN missions since the early 1990s," UTair Helicopter Services President Alexei Vinogradov said. "Over this time a great wealth of positive experience in using Russian-made helicopters has been amassed."

    "The helicopters are ideally suited to a diverse range of operations, from UN support missions, passenger transport, observation and monitoring, SAR and medevac operations, and support for special police units."

    "Our helicopters are operated under UN contracts in the most challenging climates, in places where there is a wide temperature range, in dust storms and heavy downpours, in mountainous terrain, and landing on unprepared ground," First Deputy General Director of PANH Helicopters Alexei Skorikov said. "Nonetheless, Russian helicopters are recognised world over for their reliability and the high-quality of our flight and engineering teams, all of which enable us to complete these complex missions. We also actively cooperate with Russian Helicopters on modernizing our helicopters, updating their avionics in line with the particular demands placed on us by the specific areas in which we operate."

    Today a wide range of Russian-made helicopter models carry out UN missions. They include those in the Mi-8/17 family, the world's heaviest-lifting Mi-26(T), and multirole Ka-32 type helicopters. They take part in UN missions in a range of climates and environments across the world, from Afghanistan, South Sudan, Somalia, East Timor and countries across Africa. During the conference, Russian Helicopters also unveiled new developments that incorporate the latest modern technologies and build on experience using helicopters on UN missions. Russian Hour participants had the opportunity to hear about new helicopters, such as the medium multirole Mi-171A2 and transport and passenger Mi-38.

    The Mi-171A2 was developed at the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant on the basis of the legendary Mi-8/17 series. The latest technologies and solutions are incorporated into its development, which takes into account the needs of operators and potential customers of the Mi-8/17 series. The Mi-171A2 features enhanced propulsion systems, upgraded main rotor and gear systems, and advanced avionics.

    The new Russian Mi-38 multirole helicopter can be used to carry cargo and passengers, as a flying hospital, and for a range of other operational needs. Its competitive advantages include a high cruising speed of 295 km/hour and range of 1,200km, and the fact that it can be used in a wide range of climates, and on peacekeeping missions.

    Russian Helicopters places particular significance on supporting the operation of helicopters used to carry out UN humanitarian and peacekeeping missions.

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  • HeliHub News
    AgustaWestland Delivers First of Six AW119Kx to Life Link III

    AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, announced today that it has delivered the first of six EMS configured AW119Kx to Life Link III, an air medical transportation provider operating in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

    The aircraft was built and delivered from AgustaWestland’s Philadelphia assembly line and features a customized EMS interior and advanced life-saving equipment.

    “As the most modern lifesaving EMS helicopter in operation today, the AW119Kx will allow Life Link III to complete their missions safely and reliably and improve the level of care delivered to patients in the communities in which they operate,” said Robert Brant, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, North America. “We’re pleased to deliver the first of six aircraft to Life Link III and look forward to our partnership in support of critical care transport.”

    “We thank AgustaWestland and the team for meeting our high standards with the AW119Kx, and for supporting the lifesaving missions of Life Link III as we modernize our helicopter fleet with an improved medical cabin and expand our coverage area in the Midwest United States with the superior range and speed the A119Kx provides,” said Edward R. Eroe, Life Link III President and CEO.

    Unveiled in October 2012, the AW119Kx is the latest evolution of the proven AW119 single engine helicopter which features the Garmin G1000HTM integrated flight deck system while keeping the AW119’s outstanding performance, cabin space and payload. The new avionics system includes a synthetic vision system, moving map, highway in the sky and obstacle/terrain avoidance systems for enhanced situational awareness and safety.

    Over 250 AW119 helicopters have been ordered to date in more than 30 countries by over 100 customers. The new AW119Kx, like the AW119Ke, is perfectly suited to perform many roles including EMS, VIP/corporate transport, utility, fire-fighting, offshore transport, law enforcement and government duties.

    Life Link III operates a network of five bases located throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Helicopter services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing on-scene emergency response and inter-facility transport. Life Link III’s transportation services are accredited by CAMTS (Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transportation Services), ensuring the highest standards of quality and safety are met on every transport.

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  • Aviafora Newsdesk
    More Images from Heli-Expo 2014

    Harrison Ford is greeted in the parking lot of the Anaheim Convention Centre

    Bell 525 SAR

    Visiting Gazelles


    Sikorsky Raider


    Visiting 222

    Anaheim Convention Center Parking Lot

    Bell 429

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  • HeliHub News
    Honeywell forecasts strong helicopter market in Latin America
    Honeywell Aerospace forecasts that Latin America will lead the world in new helicopter purchases during the 2014-2018 period.

    "Latin America continues to have the highest fleet replacement and growth expectations among the regions," it said in its 16th annual Turbine-Powered Civil Helicopter Purchase Outlook report released this week. "In terms of projected regional demand for new helicopters, Latin America now rivals Europe to claim the world's second-largest regional market, behind North America."

    The forecast of civil turbine-powered helicopter purchases has the five-year share of demand from the U.S. and Canada at 26 percent, which combined with Latin America represents 50 percent of the total global demand. Europe's share closely follows with 23 percent, with the Asia-Oceania region accounting for 19 percent, and Africa and the Middle East ranking under 8 percent.

    "Utility helicopter purchase interest is trending upward (worldwide)," said Tom Hart, vice president, defense and space sales, Honeywell Aerospace. "Helicopter replacement cycles and increased operating hours in the law enforcement and oil & gas industries help sustain demand in those sectors.

    "Several new platforms are scheduled to enter service in the next few years and this also is expected to bolster overall demand."

    The report forecast that between 4,800 and 5,500 new civilian helicopter deliveries can be expected during 2014–2018 period.

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  • HeliHub News
    Heli-Expo 2014: Day 3

    Welcome to day three of Heli-Expo 2014.

    Amur HFS buys entire Bristow fleet of 28 LongRanger IVs

    Amur Helicopter Financial Services (Amur HFS) is pleased to announce that the company has entered into an agreement to complete a major fleet transaction with Bristow Group Inc. The transaction involves purchasing the entire Bristow fleet of twenty-eight (28) Bell 206-L4 helicopters. As part of completing this transaction, Amur HFS provided short-term operating leases to Bristow for several aircraft still required under customer contracts in the Gulf of Mexico. Bristow may extend these leases as needed to meet its customer obligations. In addition, several of the aircraft will be delivered to and purchased by Amur HFS in the 4th quarter of 2014 when they come off their current contract with Bristow. This combination of direct purchase, sale/leaseback and forward purchase commitment demonstrates Amur HFS' flexibility in structuring transactions to meet its clients' needs.

    Neil Calvert, Amur HFS' CEO said, "This fleet transaction demonstrates the breadth of services now being offered to the helicopter industry by Amur HFS." He added, "As we introduce this business, we are delighted to support such a well-respected and industry leading operator as Bristow."

    Jonathan Baliff, Bristow's Senior Vice President and CFO said, "Bristow is pursuing many Bristow Value Added (BVA) accretive opportunities to support our clients as they move into increasingly deeper water exploration and production. We are divesting our smaller aircraft in support of our long term strategy to meet our customers' future demands while also reducing the number of fleet types from the current 28 types to approximately eight fleet types in ten years." He commented, "Amur is a full service provider that offered a truly comprehensive solution suited to Bristow's specific needs."

    Amur HFS completed the entire transaction within 60 days of the proposal acceptance by Bristow. The quick execution of the transaction is highly demonstrative of the service level, expertise and comprehensive solutions that Amur HFS is able to provide the industry.

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  • HeliHub News
    Abu Dhabi Aviation signs for 10 Bell 525s

    Today at HELI-EXPO 2014, Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, announced a letter of intent for 10 Bell 525 RelentlessTM aircraft. Abu Dhabi Aviation chose the Bell 525 for its versatility to support a number of missions based in the UAE, including offshore oil and gas, emergency medical support, VIP transport, firefighting and search and rescue. Bell Helicopter has designated Abu Dhabi Aviation as the lead customer for the Middle East, Africa and Eurasia.

    "We have spent more than half a century serving the Middle East, and Abu Dhabi Aviation has been a large part of that history," said Bell Helicopter President and CEO John Garrison. “The 525 Relentless is the perfect aircraft complement to their existing fleet and we are absolutely thrilled to have them as our launch customer for the region."

    Abu Dhabi Aviation is the largest commercial operator in the Middle East, operating 38 Bell Helicopters. The company has been operating Bell Helicopter aircraft for more than 30 years, flying more than 750,000 flight hours in Bell 412 and Bell 212 helicopters. It will now add the Bell 525 to its fleet.

    The Bell 525 is the world’s first fly-by-wire commercial helicopter, able to operate in austere environments safely and reliably with decreased pilot workload. Developed with continuous customer input, the Bell 525 offers unparalleled situational awareness and enhanced safety and reliability with the first touch screen glass flight deck designed for helicopters. The Bell 525 also features the reliable performance enabled by world-class GE engines, a Garmin G5000H fully-integrated glass flight deck, and Bell's (Lift Assist Tail Boom Design) LATD™ technology for improved hover performance. The Relentless can comfortably accommodate 16 passengers and two crew members and has a cruise speed of 155 knots and a range of 500 nautical miles. Testing is underway in Bell Helicopter’s fully integrated System Integration Lab (SIL), allowing for virtual flight testing of the Bell 525. Bell Helicopter is currently on course for the first flight of the Bell 525 late this year with two aircraft currently in assembly.

    HELI-EXPO 2014, held in the Anaheim Convention Center, will host 20,000 industry professionals, more than 700 competitive exhibitors, over 60 helicopters on display and more than 50 educational opportunities, including education courses, seminars, workshops and forums.

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  • HeliHub News
    Sikorsky’s Matrix™ Technology Program Launches Phase 2 of Flight Test Activities

    Sikorsky Aircraft’s Matrix™ Technology autonomy research program has progressed to the second phase of flight test activities with the installation of advanced sensors that will allow the Sikorsky Autonomy Research Aircraft (SARA) to conduct real-time perception work. Sikorsky Aircraft is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).

    SARA – an S-76® commercial helicopter outfitted with Fly-By-Wire controls – will be able to demonstrate autonomic site-selection and landing with this new sensor equipment. This is a key objective of the program as it proceeds toward higher levels of enhanced autonomy to include optionally piloted and fully dedicated autonomous vehicles. As a flying test lab, SARA will enable rapid flight testing of software and hardware, including multi-spectral sensors, previously integrated in the systems integration labs at Sikorsky’s headquarters. When not in flight, SARA can be configured as its own simulator to develop and test autonomy software and hardware.

    With the launch of Phase 2, the SARA demonstrator was modified with a datalink and multi-spectral sensor package that allows it to demonstrate perception and sensor-in-the-loop flight.

    “Reliability and precision control were the key objections of Phase 1. With the launch of Phase 2, SARA’s ‘got eyes’ ” said Igor Cherepinsky, Chief Engineer for Sikorsky’s Autonomy Program. “The sensors allow her to fly at full speed, avoid obstacles, select landing zones, and do other tasks that are perceptually intensive. All of these are objectives of the Matrix Technology program as we move toward evolving SARA’s abilities to understand and see the world in all sorts of conditions.”

    SARA flew its first flight on July 26, 2013. The Matrix™ program completed Phase 1 in late 2013, during which the demonstrator flew a full autonomous mission that demonstrated it can take off from an airport, fly a pattern, and return to the airport. The flight was done without sensors in the loop.

    “Sikorsky continues to mature this next-generation suite of autonomy technologies within its Matrix Technology program. We are demonstrating this technology on multiple platforms including our S-76 SARA Demonstrator,” said Mark Miller, Vice President of Research & Engineering. “Reducing pilot workload and delivering order-of-magnitude improvements in system intelligence and contingency management will ensure high levels of reliability and safety, and ultimately make unmanned missions by helicopters and VTOL aircraft affordable.”

    Matrix Technology is an architecture of software and hardware components, or “apps”, that enable autonomous execution of complex missions in close proximity to obstacles at a new level of system reliability. With a focus on system intelligence, Matrix Technology combines best practices from high reliability man–rated software processes and system design with innovative autonomy-focused applications to enable cost-effective and reliable autonomous capability for complex missions in challenging environments. Designed to be platform independent, MATRIX technologies can be readily applied to benefit Sikorsky unpiloted or piloted vehicles as well as vehicles not originally designed by Sikorsky.

    Matrix Technology addresses four fundamental challenges:

    1) Low altitude, obstacle rich autonomous flight
    2) Multi-level contingency management to achieve a needed 100X improvement in levels of system reliability
    3) A path to qualification or certification, and
    4) Lifecycle cost reduction

    The Matrix Technology program is led by Sikorsky Innovations, the same rapid prototyping organization that in 2010 proved the physics of efficient 250-knot flight in a rotorcraft with the X2 Technology™ Demonstrator program.

    “Sikorsky’s Matrix Technology program has set rigorous key performance parameters through the end of 2014, including demonstrating safe flight in obstacle-rich environments, shipboard and brownout condition landings. Beyond 2014, we’ll continue to tackle new challenges and address customer requirements that further advance autonomy capability for VTOL aircraft,” said Chris Van Buiten, Vice President of Sikorsky Innovations.

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  • HeliHub News
    Sloane Helicopters signs for two GrandNew helicopters

    AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce the order by Sloane Helicopters for two GrandNew light twin helicopters. The helicopters are expected to be delivered in 2015 and will be operated for VVIP and passenger transport missions.

    This latest order by Sloane Helicopters further expands the already successful presence of AgustaWestland helicopter models in the light twin category in UK and Ireland, where Sloane has sold a total of 66 units from the AW109 legacy and Grand/GrandNew helicopters performing a range of roles including VIP/corporate transport, law enforcement and EMS.

    Emilio Dalmasso, AgustaWestland’s Senior VP Commercial Business, said “This latest contract continues this long rewarding partnership with Sloane Helicopters and the continued success of the GrandNew in the UK market where AgustaWestland light twin helicopters are the market leader.”

    David George, founder and chairman of Sloane Helicopters, commented: “These contracts further underline the Company’s commitment to AgustaWestland products and Sloane’s relationship with AgustaWestland, which is now in its 18th year.”

    The GrandNew features the most modern developments in avionics while retaining the outstanding characteristics of the Grand. The GrandNew is the first type certified light twin (CS/JAR/FAR 27) to enter service with a new EFIS featuring Synthetic Vision and the first helicopter in this class on the market fully compliant with the latest advanced global positioning system-based navigation requirements for all weather operations. Orders for almost 340 helicopters from the Grand series have been placed by over 200 customers in nearly 40 countries worldwide to perform many missions including VIP/corporate transport, passenger transport, EMS, SAR, harbor pilot shuttle, maritime patrol and water pollution monitoring.

    Sloane Helicopters has been supporting AgustaWestland's UK and Ireland sales since 1996. The Distribution Agreement with Sloane is benefitting its customers by dramatically reducing delivery times which also helps AgustaWestland to maintain its position as market leader in the VIP and corporate transport market in the UK and Ireland. Sloane Helicopters is also an AgustaWestland Authorized Service Centre, providing maintenance and support services. Additionally Sloane Helicopters is a Type Rating Transition centre for AgustaWestland helicopters in the UK. The distribution agreement allows Sloane Helicopters to market and sell AgustaWestland GrandNew helicopters in the UK and Ireland for corporate and VIP operations.

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  • HeliHub News
    Rolls-Royce to deliver first flight test engine for Scotts Bell 47

    Rolls-Royce has signed a multi-engine order with Scott's – Bell 47 and will deliver the first RR300 engine this summer for installation in a flight test aircraft.

    Scott's – Bell 47 already has orders for 38 of its new 47GT-6 helicopters with first deliveries scheduled in 2016, and expects to produce more than 30 aircraft per year by 2017. In addition to the RR300 gas turbine engine, the new helicopter will feature several advanced upgrades to the legendary 47G aircraft, including a new avionics suite, new main rotor blades and modern driveshaft coupling technologies. The new helicopter targets the light-utility operator, agricultural and turbine-transition/IFR flight training operators.

    Scott's – Bell 47 announced its intention to build its new aircraft at Heli Expo in 2013, and has now signed the multi-engine deal with Rolls-Royce. It will be the second aircraft to be powered by the RR300, which was launched in 2007. The new aircraft will use a "plug and play" installation of the RR300 and require no changes or performance modifications.

    Greg Fedele, Rolls-Royce, Senior Vice President, Helicopters, said, "This new version of a legendary helicopter from Scott's – Bell 47 caused great excitement at Heli Expo last year and we are thrilled to announce this new multi-engine agreement. The RR300 engine has demonstrated great success already in the field, proving itself as powerful, reliable and fuel efficient. We look forward to many years of deliveries for the Scott's – Bell 47."

    Scott Churchill, President & Owner of Scott's - Bell 47, said, "We are very excited to be partnering with Rolls-Royce on the 47GT-6 program. The RR300 ratings are a perfect fit for the 47, and with its already proven in-service record, we believe the 47GT-6 with the RR300 engine will be a very successful combination in the light utility marketplace."

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  • HeliHub News
    AgustaWestland Introduces Obstacle Proximity LiDAR System

    AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce the certification of its Obstacle Proximity LiDAR System (OPLSTM) which will help enhance safety during hovering flight whilst conducting SAR and emergency medical service (EMS) missions. Hovering flight during these type of missions has been identified as one of the most dangerous flight conditions as a result of perceptual judgment errors, wrong decision making, bad crew resource management, poor visibility and self induced pressure.

    OPLSTM, AgustaWestland’s solution to enhance the safety of its helicopters whilst being used for demanding SAR & EMS roles, is being presented for the first time at Heli-Expo 2014 which is being held in Anaheim, CA, from 25th – 27th February. The system is designed to help the crew avoid main and tail rotor strikes against peripheral obstacles which jeopardize the aircraft’s safety during low speed hovering manoeuvres in confined spaces.

    The OPLSTM consists of three main rotor-head-mounted LiDAR (Laser imaging Detection and Ranging) sensors that generate a 360 degree radial view around the aircraft and a dedicated cockpit control panel. The OPLSTM ensures fast and accurate detection and tracking of short range obstacles up to 25 m (80 ft) away by time-of-flight measurement at different angles. Pilots can operate and monitor the system from the control panel while video and audio indications are provided on the Multi-Function Displays (MFDs) and through aircraft’s inter communication system (ICS).

    The video indications provide a realistic 360° top-view representation of the helicopter and any obstacles, obstacle profiles on a polar grid, range captions, minimum safety margin indication, critical radial indication and safety color coding. The audio indications include adjustable distance thresholds, frequency coded margin (“beep”), band transition annunciations and mute functionality with automatic audio re-engagement. The system is also Night Vision Goggle (NVG) compatible.

    The OPLSTM is now an option on the AW139 multirole intermediate twin helicopter and is fully integrated with the type’s avionics with information accessible on the cockpit multi function displays, and allows mutual reinforcement with the AW139 hovering mode. The system will also be made available for additional platforms including the AW169, AW189 and AW101 helicopters.

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  • Aviafora Newsdesk

    Bell 505 (Photo:

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  • Aviafora Newsdesk
    Images from Heli-Expo 2014

    Bristow's New S-76D arrives at Anaheim's Convention Center parking lot

    Bell 429 with retractable undercarriage arriving at Anaheim

    MDH's new MD530G Scout


    PZL-SW4 Cockpit

    Gazelles at Heli-Expo

    Gazelle visiting Heli-Expo

    Bell 505 Jet Ranger X

    Jet Ranger X

    AW109 Trekker

    All photos courtesy of Vertical Magazine

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  • HeliHub News
    AW109 Trekker Unveiled At Heli Expo

    AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce a new addition to its range of class leading light twin-engine helicopters, the AW109 Trekker, the first AgustaWestland light twin to offer skid landing gear. The aircraft was unveiled during a ceremony at Heli Expo 2014 today in Anaheim, California. With a maximum take-off weight of 3,175 kg (7,000 lb) and 3,200 kg (7,055 lb) with external loads and over 1,500 kg (3,306 lb) of useful load together with a class leading cruise speed (Vne of 160 kts - 296 km/h) the AW109 Trekker can claim to have the highest productivity in the light twin turbine helicopter market.

    The AW109 Trekker, based on the best selling AW109/Grand range of helicopters, is equipped with skid landing gear and a state-of-the-art Garmin G1000HTM glass cockpit Power is provided by two FADEC equipped Pratt & Whitney Canada PW207C engines each rated at 608 kW (815 shp) as max contingency power. With the modular five-cell fuel system the AW109 Trekker has an endurance of up to 4 hours 20 minutes or a range of 445 nm (824 km).

    Developed to provide the perfect solution for utility and aerial work operations, the AW109 Trekker maintains the same characteristics of high productivity, excellent flying qualities, high controllability and manoeuvrability, robustness and high inherent safety of AgustaWestland’s other light twin helicopters.

    The spacious cabin, the same size as the Grand/GrandNew, can accommodate up to six passengers or one stretcher with three/four medical attendants or two stretchers and two medical attendants. Capable of single pilot operation an additional passenger can be carried in the cockpit if required.

    The AW109 Trekker can be easily configured for a wide range of roles and is the ideal solution for utility, EMS, SAR, law enforcement, surveillance and passenger transport applications.

    The state-of-the-art Garmin G1000HTM glass cockpit, featuring two 10.4” display units, one Primary Flight Display (PFD) and one Multi-Function Display (MFD) provides pilots with only the necessary information to help reduce their workload while flying in an ergonomic high visibility cockpit. To enhance situational awareness and safety, the advanced avionics package includes, as standard, the Integrated Helicopter Synthetic Vision Technology (SVT) functionality with the Highway In The Sky (HITS) depiction and the Integrated Helicopter Terrain Avoidance Warning System (HTAWS) with a worldwide terrain and obstacle database.

    Other standard avionics include moving map, FMS, dual VHF/AM radios, dual VOR, dual GPS, Electronic Standby Instrument System (ESIS) and Mode S transponder. A third 10.4” display is available, as an option, to become the co-pilot Primary Flight Display.

    The AW109 Trekker incorporates many safety features including a cocoon-type airframe, crash resistant fuel system, crew and passengers seats, full Cat. A / Class 1 performance even in hot environments (up to ISA+20°C), avionics providing enhanced situational awareness and a 3-axis autopilot, plus Flight Director, coupled to the GPS.

    A wide range of role equipment including: 1,400 kg (3,086 lb) cargo hook, 272 kg (600 lb) external rescue hoist, searchlight, external loudspeakers, FLIR, video downlink, snow skis and emergency floats are available as well as a wide range of interior layouts to meet various customer operational requirements.

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  • HeliHub News
    S-76D: Technology Meets Tradition

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  • HeliHub News
    More Heli-Expo News:

    - Sikorsky Introduces S-92 Flight Calculator Application

    - Sikorsky S-92 to receive new Rockwell Collins display

    - Summit Aviation named Customer Support Center for legacy S76 models

    - Developments across GKN Aerospace areas of expertise on show at Heli-Expo

    - North Flight Data Systems receives CVR/FDR STC for AS350 and EC130

    - Cadorath Aerospace awarded Rolls-Royce M250 FIRST Network Award

    Read these and additional news items via our
    Heli-Expo News Stream.

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  • HeliHub News
    Thales Unveils Future Helicopter Cockpit at Heli-Expo

    Thales has unveiled its Avionics 2020 new-generation helicopter cockpit at Heli-Expo.

    Modeled on the principles behind the ground-breaking Avionics 2020 for fixed wing aircraft presented at the 2013 Paris Air Show, this cockpit represents the new-generation in helicopter avionics.

    Avionics 2020 is the result of a number of partnerships, spearheaded by Thales with researchers, scientific institutions and world class experts, aimed at refining knowledge in the field of human machine interface.

    These efforts, culminated in a new-generation cockpit founded on natural and direct hands-on interaction, designed to give the pilot all the elements needed to make the right critical decisions at the right time.

    The Avionics 2020 concept introduces a modern architecture including multi-touchscreen capabilities, head-down controls, open and
    customizable systems and a mission-centric approach, putting the pilot at the center of a helicopter operation.

    The very structure of the cockpit favors the integration of future capabilities and functions to optimize and secure a wide range of
    helicopter missions, also taking into account specific functionalities driven by civil mission types such as search and rescue or offshore missions as well as military mission types such as tactical, combat or reconnaissance operations.

    Key points

    - The new-generation in helicopter avionics, Avionics 2020, is founded on the principles of natural and
    direct hands-on interaction

    - It is an open, mission centric concept, scalable to any type of helicopter, light to heavy, civil to military

    - Avionics 2020 includes multi-touchscreen capabilities and the latest technologies in head-down controls

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  • HeliHub News
    Venezuela signs for 16 Enstrom 480Bs

    Enstrom Helicopter Corporation is pleased to announce they have received a signed contract from the Venezuela Ministry of Defense for 16 training helicopters.

    The aircraft will be delivered within the next 18 months and will be used for training by the Venezuelan Air Force and Navy. The contract includes 16 standard model 480B helicopters as well as spare parts and tools, pilot and mechanic training, and in-country technical assistance during the life of the contract. With its solid customer support system and newly expanded facility, Enstrom is ready to meet the challenge.

    “We are very excited about this opportunity to provide training helicopters for Venezuela,” said Jerry Mullins, Enstrom CEO. “This is their first helicopter purchase from a U.S. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) in more than ten years. We are pleased that the 480B was selected for this training mission.”

    Venezuela and Enstrom have a positive history together. The Venezuelan National Guard operates Enstrom helicopters purchased in the 1970s; they expanded their fleet in 2001.

    Contract negotiations were coordinated through Helinautica, C.A., which represents Enstrom in Venezuela. Owner of Helinautica, Guillermo Basalo Sucre, was pleased with the final contract. “It’s no surprise that we went with Enstrom, considering the positive experience we’ve had with them,” said Guillermo Basalo, “Excellent product support was a key factor in selecting Enstrom again.”

    “All parties are pleased with the final result,” said Orlando Alaniz, Enstrom’s Director of Sales and Marketing. “It was a privilege to work with the Helinautica team and the fine organization at VEXIMCA, the contracting agency for the Venezuela government.”

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  • HeliHub News
    Custom “pay-as-you-fly” support plans offered by Airbus Helicopters

    Airbus Helicopters Inc. now offers “pay as you fly” Component Support Programs (CSP) for operators of new and in service helicopters, with flat rate charges that enable aircraft operators to better manage and predict maintenance and operational costs.

    During the Heli-Expo 2014, Airbus Helicopters Inc. Support and Services Sales team is offering aggressive new flat per-flight-hour rates for direct maintenance costs. An Airbus Helicopters CSP keeps helicopter operators airborne and conserves the value of the aircraft. Operators that use CSP contracts will receive one monthly invoice based on the number of hours an aircraft is flown.

    Airbus Helicopters provide the spare parts required to support your scheduled and unscheduled maintenance events. More importantly, an Airbus Helicopters CSP offers you peace of mind and gives you greater flexibility to drive mission success.

    Operators will benefit from the direct support of the Airbus Helicopters factory-trained and supported team that knows the aircraft best. Other benefits include:

    - Fewer delays through direct access to parts inventory
    - Immediate AOG support, available 24/7
    - Global supply chain network support
    - Dedicated technical support network
    - Personalized maintenance forecasting

    An Airbus Helicopters CSP can be tailored to suit any individual operation, with a flexible buy-in. A CSP is available for all EC120, EC130, AS350, AS355, EC135, EC145, EC155, AS365, EC175, AS332 and EC225 models. Coverage is transferable, with the option to withdraw from the program and receive credit for residual equity.

    For additional information about these programs helicopters owners and operators should contact one of the following Airbus Helicopters Inc. representatives during Heli-Expo 2014 in Anaheim:

    Brian Reid, Director of Commercial Sales, 972-641-5246,
    Paul Peterson, Senior Manager Customer Service Sales, 972-641-3749,
    Jeff Donahue, Manager of After Market sales, 972-641-3735,

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